Package Usage

Initialising a session

First thing to do is setting up a client. A client represents one connection to PH, and you can use multiple at the same time. You can also specify a custom language locale (en by default). This will affect searching preferences, video titles, etc.

import phub

client = phub.Client(language = 'en')

Fetching a video

If you want to work with a specific video you know the URL of, you can initialise it like so:

import phub

client = phub.Client()

url = ''
video = client.get(url) # (1)!
  1. Note that you can also load the video using the viewkey parameter in its URL.

    video = client.get('xxx')

Accessing data

A Video object has several properties you can use to fetch data on a video. By default, no data is actually fetched until you call a property for optimization purposes. Once fetched, data is cached for each property. If you want to refresh the data, you will have to clear the cache by calling Video.refresh().


You can find out all the available properties in the video docs or in the Video class.

video = client.get('xxx')

print(f'The "{video.title}" has {video.likes.up} likes!')

Downloading a video

A video can be downloaded by using

import phub
from phub.locals import Quality

client = phub.Client()
video = client.get('xxx') = 'my-video.mp4',
               quality = Quality.BEST)


Tip: You can set the path parameter to be a directory for the video to be downloaded in. The file name will automatically be the video id.

For more information on how to download, see downloading.


You can use Python logging library to debug your code and see what’s wrong with it or the API.

import phub
import logging

# Use whatever configuration you want
logging.BasicConfig(level = logging.INFO)

client = phub.Client()


Most of the PHUB objects have a dictify method that allows them to be converted to serialized objects.

import phub

client = phub.Client()
video = client.get('xxx')

data = video.dictify()

Result: {"name": "A cool video", ...}

This is done for compatibility and ease of use with other languages and applications, since you can easily run a small python script or local server:

import phub
import flask

client = phub.Client()
app = flask.Flask(__name__)

def get():
        url = flask.request.args.get('video')
        video = client.get(url)
        res = { 'response': video.dictify() }

    except Exception as err:
        res = { 'error': repr(err) }

    return flask.jsonify(res)

if __name__ == '__main__':

For instance, this script will use flask to run a web server that can fetch video data:

$ curl <localhost>/get?video=abcdef1234
    "name": "A cool video"
    # etc.

Each dictify method can take as argument a list[str] of keys, if you want to avoid fetching specific things.

Below is a list of all serializable PHUB objects, along with their keys. PHUB objects are keys that redirect to a PHUB object.

Serializable objects


Default keys

PHUB objects


id, title, is_vertical, duration, orientation, orientation, views, hotspots, date, is_free_premium, is_HD, is_VR, embed, liked, watched, is_favorite

image, tags, likes, pornstars, categories, author, preview


name, url, type, bio, info



url, name, _servers



name, avatar, is_premium



name, count



up, down, ratings



user, header, item_type


By default, recursive keys will appear as repr strings, unless you allow repulsiveness with object.dictify(recursive = True).


Turning on recursion can make PHUB open more requests that you might actually need. Make sure you specify only the keys you need when using it.